Launch Event – Planning
Important Information and action points
On the day:
- Parking will be provided within the Beaulieu grounds, close to the Abbey (showground arena). Signs will be provided with staff directing guests as they arrive. (Beaulieu)
- Badges will be provided on arrival at the Domus Undercroft. (Beaulieu)
- A projector screen will be provided and set up in the Banqueting Hall, with a data projector. (Beaulieu)
- Provide a series of stills from the application and laptop for the projector screen.(Debs)
- Leaflets to be available at the event describing The Talking Walls – Beaulieu Abbey application. (Debs)
- Assist guests and ensure people are in the right place at the right time.( MA Marketing students)
- Liaise with the press and guests for required photos and interviews. (MA Marketing students)
Press & Press Releases:
- Provide a selection of images from the application for press packs.(Debs)
- Provide press release information / content. This will be verified via Debs (TW), Susan Tomkins, Margaret Rowles (on behalf of Beaulieu) and SEEDA. (MA Marketing students)
- Mary Montagu Scott has verified that she will provide quotes for the press releases.
- Press will be able to take photos and interviews after the celebratory reception, in the Banqueting Hall and Undercroft. (Press)
- Digital Media Design / Development students will be available for press photos using the mobile handsets. (Debs & DMD students)
- Beaulieu Enterprises’ photographer Tim will be present. (Beaulieu)
- The necessary logos of supporting / funding organisations will need to be sourced (Debs and MA Marketing students)
- The invite needs finishing and verifying by Beaulieu and SEEDA. (Debs)
- The guest list needs to be completed and sent for verification to Beaulieu and SEEDA. (Debs and MA Marketing students)
- Invites need to be created as ‘e-shots’ and sent on the 6th April 2010 (Debs)
- Specific guests will be sent a printed invite on the 4th April 2010 (Debs)
- Reminders will be sent on the 5th May 2010 (MA Marketing students)
- RSVP’s will be collated by the MA Marketing students
- Beaulieu’s onsite caterers ‘Leiths’ will be informed of number of guests by the 11th May 2010. (MA Marketing students)
- Beaulieu will be informed of confirmed number and guest names by the 11th May 2010 for badges to be prepared. (MA Marketing students) The TW logo (small) will also be provided (Debs).
- Information regarding wheelchair access will need to be provided by the 11th May 2010. (MA Marketing students).
- Delivery and installation of kiosk (Debs & Beaulieu)
- Installation of application and testing (Debs)
- Provision of instructions for visitor use for kiosk and application (Debs)
- Provision of technical instructions / troubleshooting (Debs)
- Provision of ‘plaque’ for Domus entrance re TW and kiosk application (Debs & Beaulieu)
Logos required:
- Beaulieu Attractions
- The Talking Walls (UK) Ltd
- South East Innovation & Growth
- University of Winchester
- Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
- University of Southampton
- Southampton Solent University
- Set Squared
- Business Link