2006-2010 The Talking Walls – Beaulieu Abbey
Beaulieu Abbey Kiosk Interpretation – Development
4/06/2020 - 2006-2010 The Talking Walls - Beaulieu Abbey, 2012-2020 Current MPhil/PhD - University of Winchester, AllInterviews with the Launch Guests, Beaulieu Team and External Professionals provided positive and constructive feedback regarding the importance of choice for different visitor types. Choice in whether, as a visitor, you were a child, adult or professional/academic, exploring the content made sense from the comments provided, as did the ability to see the abbey and […]
King John’s Tour
20/05/2010 - 2006-2010 The Talking Walls - Beaulieu Abbey, 2012-2020 Current MPhil/PhD - University of Winchester, AllKing John’s Tour: Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D: Part E: Part F: Part G: Part H: Part I: Part J:
Virtual Tours of Beaulieu Abbey
20/05/2010 - 2006-2010 The Talking Walls - Beaulieu Abbey, 2012-2020 Current MPhil/PhD - University of Winchester, AllThere are nine characters’ tours of Beaulieu Abbey – each tour provides the character’s perspective and information following the same route. Through The Talking Walls – Beaulieu Abbey (Adobe Flash) website, you are able to choose a character to guide you around the abbey. The tours follow the points set out on the map below: […]