Month: October 2018
Heritage Interpretation Design (HID) Word Wheel
5/10/2018 - 2012-2020 Current MPhil/PhD - University of Winchester, AllDuring thematic analysis of the interview data and feedback, the prevalence of nodes (NVivo data) per theme was interesting to note, especially as quite often, they did not match my early assumptions. The diagram below indicates my initial assumed themes and how they were extended to assumed sub themes and subsequent categories dependant on the […]
Analysis of Data – vocabulary used across discipline-based themes
5/10/2018 - 2012-2020 Current MPhil/PhD - University of Winchester, AllDuring the analysis of the data collected from interviews, surveys, observations and feedback, it became apparent that the vocabulary used by the different specialist groups i.e. curators, designers, launch guests and visitors, was significantly different. This was not really a surprise, although in using NVivo’s word frequency facility, the outcomes raised further interest in how […]