Images & Walkthrough Developed for the Presentation on 14th Dec 06

The images shown here demonstrate the progress of the initial Revit 3D model presented in July. The Revit model has been taken into 3DS Max to add detail such as the vaulting in the Nave by the South Wall. The detail followed Brakspear’s sketch of his interpretation of how the interior would look.

BeaulieuAbbeyBirdsEyeDec06Fig. 1  Initial bird’s eye view of the Beaulieu Abbey Revit model  showing the Cloisters, Fish Ponds and ‘quay’ of Beaulieu River.

BeaulieuAbbeyBirdsEye2Dec06Fig. 2  Lower (and sun shaded) view of the Beaulieu Abbey Revit model  showing the Cloisters and Fish Ponds.

WorkingShotRevitDec06Fig. 3  Lower view of the Beaulieu Abbey Revit model  from the south west and Walkthroughplease click on the image to see the video walkthrough presented to Beaulieu.

WorkingShotRevitCloistersDec06Fig. 4  View of the Beaulieu Abbey Revit model  showing the Cloisters.

WorkingShotRevitWestViewDec06Fig. 5  Eye level view of the Beaulieu Abbey Revit model from the north west.

WorkingShotDec06Fig. 6  The Beaulieu Abbey Revit model taken into 3DS Max to add detail and more realistic renders.

WorkingShotPlanViewDec06Fig. 7  Plan view of the Beaulieu Abbey Revit model  in 3DS Max.

BeaulueuAbbeyInteriorWorkingShotDec06Fig. 8  Working shot of modelling the vaulting and columns in 3DS Max following Brakspear’s sketch.

BeaulieuAbbeyWestViewDec06Fig. 9  Working shot of the outside northwest view of the abbey with 3D life size humans to show scale of the abbey.

NaveBrakspearWorkingShotViewInteriorNaveDec06Fig. 10 & 11  The top image is one of Brakspear’s sketches showing the columns, vaulting and south wall. The next image immediately above shows the 3D model working shot of modelling the scene shown in Brakspear’s sketch.

RenderedViewInteriorNaveDec06Fig. 12  Draft render showing the 3D working shot of Brakspear’s sketch.

Fig.13 below shows some of the visual research regarding different platforms – kiosks and handhelds:
